Sabai Dee Erotic Massage Salon Pattaya


The most popular and longest established soapy massage in Pattaya. Sabai Dee is located on Second Road, and everyone walking past it looks at it because of its impressive, big and colorful building.

If you walk through the entrance, you will first pass a nice aquarium and wall pictures of naked girls, before getting to the spacious lobby with the big fishbowl. And by “big” I mean really the biggest in all of Pattaya: There are more than 100 girls and women sitting in that illuminated area (divided into sideliners and models), and once you take your seat on one of the comfortable couches, they will try to get your attention, smiling and nodding at you.

Sabai Dee is also great to hang out and relax in the lobby for some time, enjoy cool beers, and slowly make up your choice which lady you want to be your little sex doll for the next 1.5 hours. Oh, and they have air mattresses in the rooms – I’m sure you know what that means.

  • Prices: 2,000 / 2,400 Baht
  • Girls Quantity: 10/10
  • Girls Quality: 8/10

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